Leave Comedy Alone!

Petra, Jordan

Uh oh, here comes my very small soap box, and my slightly political (totally unsolicited) diatribe!!!

Leave stand-up comics (and just comedy in general, for that matter) alone. Stop accusing them of being racist or misogynistic or whatever your complaint may be, just because you don’t like what they are saying.

Comedy IS the correct space to confront uncomfortable ideas and work though controversial topics in real time. Comics have no real or titular power.

It's when racist and misogynistic ideas and principles start being passively condoned by our elected officials (or in the case of Trump, just outright publicly promoted) that we need to start becoming worried.

Leave comedy alone. If it upsets or offends you, don’t read it, watch it, or listen to it. Put it down, turn it off. It’s a lot better to passively disagree with laughter, than to have to clean up the messes of leaders who are actively inflicting pain.

If you want to get upset about something, focus on politics. Leave Comedy Alone.